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Take a comprehensive look at our services and pricing. We offer a full array of grooming and SPA options. You can also call us directly on 0151 474 3422 to make a booking or speak with a member of staff about your needs

What hair type is my dog?

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What size is my dog?

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Fleas: Please check your dog for fleas before your appointment. If we discover fleas on your dog during their grooming session, you will be charged a fee of £50.00. This is to allow us time to clean down the affected area and equipment, which may result in the delay or cancellation of other appointments.

Late Collection: Once your dogs' appointment with us is completed and you have been notified by phone call or text you will need to collect them within 20 minutes. Failure to arrive on time will result in a £10.00 late collection fee. There will be an additional £10.00 charge for every 20 minutes after this. 

Matted Fur: If we discover your dog(s) have matting we have a strict policy, due to the Animal Welfare Act 2006, to act in your dog's best interest. If localised matting is found, a £10.00 charge is applied for the additional time spent. If heavy matting is found, a £20.00 charge is added to your groom. 

Double-Coated Breeds: Certain breeds have a thick double coat that requires special maintenance. Dirty Dogs Grooming Centre has a strict policy of not shaving double-coated breeds due to the problems this can cause.

Appointment No-Show: If you do not inform us of your absence within 2 hours of your appointment you will lose your deposit and you may be blocked from booking online and required to pay in full for our services.

Prices & Services

If you are looking for a breed-standard or hand-stripping groom for your pooch, these can take considerably longer than our standard grooms. Please call 0151 474 3422 for a quotation.